Dec 11, 2010

petite artist

i'm really proud of this. i wanted to make my stuff look more children's storybook illustration-ish. i was inspired by peachifruit. she's amazing. i love her stuff. i was also inspired by adrian molina's illustrations in the toy story 3 little golden books. i'm so glad i decided to try something new. another thing i did was sketch digitally. i use to hate doing it until i did this picture. because i usually tried in sai and nothing ever worked out. but when i tried sketching in photoshop, the lines flowed and were sketchy like my traditional sketches are. i will still do traditional sketching. but i know there are going to be times when i'm going to have to do things digitally. so i'm glad i have something i can digitally sketch in.


  1. You should be! It's really simple, but has a lot of charm. I love the shapes you used. And you made it lineless. Isn't it crazy just how much easier that makes everything?
    Haha, who doesn't love Peachifruit's work?

    I'm glad you found something fun and new to try out. It makes me even more excited to see what you're going to dish out next. :-B

  2. yeah i was surprised when i realized it was lineless. i usually don't like doing it because i like to have lines holding in the color. but in this case it didn't bother me. thanks!
