May 15, 2012

instructional comic

hello. = w = i finished another assignment for editorial illustration and just had critique. it went pretty well. we actually had a choice to either do a positive illstration for a bad article (like one with bad news) or we could do an instructional comic. i chose the instructional comic, it sounded more fun. and i really wanted to do a comic. i didn't come up with the instructions myself, i got the recipe from the instructables website. i used the recipe for chocolate coffee pinwheels. they sounded nice and something i would actually try to bake and eat. so let me show you my comic pages.
here's my first page. it's just a girl and her cat baking. my professor said the last panel was still too dark (he told me this earlier in a past class and i tried lightening it up with some highlights, but i should have added more highlights or made them stronger).
here's the second page. i still should have lightened up some areas. and i have this tangent on the last panel, like in the area with the right roll and the cloud. they're kind of touching or about to touch.
this is the last page. this one was pretty ok. my professor thought i could have used a light in the stove window. but other than that, it was ok. overall, he liked them and everything. he even commented on how flat and geometric things are but it doesn't make it boring. like i get that look to work. and most of my classmates liked my color palette (i used kuler in photoshop. they also have a website). i just wanted to try using another palette. i usually use bright saturated colors. so it was nice to try something new. i want to continue experimenting with different color palettes.

thanks for reading!


  1. Hello there, I stumbled upon your blog and I must say, your illustrations are really adorable!

    1. hello! thank you so much! glad you stumbled upon my blog.

  2. think the colors work really well and I love your illustrations as always u_u <333 so cute and just really heart warming!
    I agree that the last panel in the first page is a bit dark, but it doesn't detract from the page as a whole (or even from the instructional in it's entirety)
    Very nice <3 !

    1. thank you! i could have changed that last panel to lighten it up, but then i would have to reprint and remount it. the money part was holding me back. = w = thanks again!

  3. Well, I think it looks amazig! Too cute for words. The little cat is beyond adorable!
